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VRS Website for Employers
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VRS monitors Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) statements and regularly provides guidelines and resources to assist employers in their compliance efforts as well as with other financial reporting requirements. Bookmark this page in your web browser and check it regularly for the latest updates.

2019 Audit Opinions & Disclosure Guidance

To assist employers with financial reporting, VRS is providing GASB schedules and corresponding opinions issued by the state auditor's office. In addition, VRS has developed sample journal entries and sample note disclosures for employers' reference for other post-employment benefits.

Report on Management's Assertions

Note Reports, sample journal entries, note disclosures and other documents are for the measurement period ended June 30, 2018.

Health Insurance Credit (HIC)

Download reports, sample journal entries, note disclosures and other documents for the Health Insurance Credit (HIC).

GASB 75 Reports With Audit Opinions

Sample Journal Entries

Sample Note Disclosures

Analysis of Changes in Net OPEB Liability

Covered Payroll & Contributions

Group Life Insurance (GLI)

Download reports, sample journal entries, note disclosures and other documents for Group Life Insurance (GLI).

GASB 75 Reports With Audit Opinions

Sample Journal Entries

Sample Note Disclosures

Analysis of Changes in Net OPEB Liability

Covered Payroll & Contributions

Line of Duty Act (LODA)

Download reports, sample journal entries, note disclosures and other documents for the Line of Duty Act (LODA).

GASB 75 Reports With Audit Opinions

Sample Journal Entries

Sample Note Disclosures

Analysis of Changes in Net OPEB Liability and Due Within One Year

Covered Participants & Contributions

Virginia Local Disability Program (VLDP)

Download reports, sample journal entries, note disclosures and other documents for the Virginia Local Disability Program (VLDP).

GASB 75 Reports With Audit Opinions

  • No audit opinions were prepared for this set of plans.

Sample Journal Entries

Sample Note Disclosures

Analysis of Changes in Net OPEB Liability

Covered Payroll & Contributions

Virginia Sickness & Disability Program (VSDP)

Download reports, sample journal entries, note disclosures and other documents for the Virginia Sickness & Disability Program (VSDP).

GASB 75 Reports With Audit Opinions

Sample Journal Entries

Sample Note Disclosures

Analysis of Changes in Net OPEB Liability

Covered Payroll & Contributions