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VRS monitors Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) statements and regularly provides guidelines and resources to assist employers in their compliance efforts as well as with other financial reporting requirements. Bookmark this page in your web browser and check it regularly for the latest updates.

The GASB 67 report includes member data, actuarial assumptions and methods used in developing the GASB 67 results.

To comply with GASB 68, employers that prepare annual financial statements are required to report net pension liability (NPL) and pension expense (PE) as participants in VRS. Within this report, you will find employer-specific information to be included in your financial statements.

The GASB 74 report includes member data, actuarial assumptions and methods used in developing the GASB 74 results.

To comply with GASB 75, employers that prepare annual financial statements are required to report their Net OPEB liability (NOL) and OPEB expense as participants in various VRS-administered OPEB programs. Within this report, you will find employer-specific information to be included in your financial statements.