Details about VRS-administered retirement plans.

VRS Plan 1

A defined benefit plan where the benefit is based on the member’s age, service credit and average final compensation at retirement using a formula. Members are in VRS Plan 1 if their membership date is before July 1, 2010, and they were vested as of January 1, 2013.

Explore Plan 1

VRS Plan 2

A defined benefit plan where the benefit is based on the member's age, service credit and average final compensation at retirement using a formula. Members are in VRS Plan 2 if their membership date is from July 1, 2010, to December 31, 2013, or their membership date is before July 1, 2010, and they were not vested as of January 1, 2013.

Explore Plan 2

Hybrid Retirement Plan for Members External Site Link

Combines the features of a defined benefit plan and a defined contribution plan. The plan applies to most members whose membership date is on or after January 1, 2014, and to VRS Plan 1 and VRS Plan 2 members who were eligible to opt into the plan during the special election window in 2014.

Explore Hybrid Plan

Defined Contribution Plan (DCP) Sites

Visit these sites for details on how defined contribution plans help members realize their retirement goals.

DCP Plan Sites