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The tables below include employer contribution rates for VRS retirement plans and other post-employment benefits by fiscal year. Certified by the VRS Board of Trustees, contribution rates are based on a rate-setting actuarial valuation done every two years. Funding for the statewide plans is subject to the state budgeting process. Employer contribution rates provided for non-professional school board and political subdivision plans, including the Virginia Local Disability Program (VLDP) and health insurance credit (HIC) for political subdivisions, are final once certified by the VRS board.

VRS Employer Contribution Rates by Fiscal Year

Retirement Program FY 2025-2026
Defined Benefit Rate
State Employees 12.52%
Teachers 14.21%
State Police Officers' Retirement System 31.32%
Virginia Law Officers' Retirement System 24.60%
Judicial Retirement System 30.67%
Non-Professional School Board and Political Subdivision Employees Varies by Employer

Other Post-Employment Benefits Contribution Rates by Fiscal Year

    FY 2025-2026
Group Life Insurance Employee 0.71%
Employer 0.47%
Total 1.18%
Health Insurance Credit State Employees 1.12%
Teachers 1.21%
Non-Professional School Board Members and Political Subdivision Employees Varies by Employer
Virginia Sickness and Disability Program (VSDP) Covered Payroll 0.50%
Virginia Local Disability Program (VLDP) Teachers 0.45%
Political Subdivision Employees 0.74%

Valuation Reports

VRS provides actuarial valuation reports to help employers establish required contribution levels and disclose plan assets and actuarial liabilities that are used to determine the funded status of the retirement plan, and to provide supporting information regarding the plan's operation. The reports are also a resource for complying with Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statements No. 43 and No. 45, which require actuarial valuations of retirees' other post-employment benefits (OPEB).